

Donation Amount Dshop Amount Bonus Included
5 € 5,000 Dshop 0%

10 € 10,500 Dshop 5%

20 € 22,500 Dshop 10%

25 € 27,500 Dshop 10%

50 € 57,500 Dshop 15%

100 € 120,000 Dshop 20%

200 € 250,000 Dshop 25%

300 € 390,000 Dshop 30%

500 € 666,666 Dshop 33.33%


Subscription Amount What You will Get
VIP 15 € * VIP Tag
* 10% Bonus on each Donation
*plus 5,000 coins each month

MVIP 25 € * MVIP Tag
* 15% Bonus on each Donation
*plus 10,000 coins each month

*Disclaimer: Any type of contribution is appreciated – strict NO REFUND Policy.
Everything is final and cannot be reversed, NO REFUND GURUANTEED.
*10% OFF all donations will be donated to a charity (homeless / animal shelter / others)